
They said about Jiri Ruzek

"... some of the most exquisite black-and-white nudes I’ve ever seen. You’ll spend a lot of time in all the galleries. Soooo sexy."

"Jiri Ruzek is among the leading contemporary Czech nude art photographers. His work goes far beyond the borders of that small European country. Jiri’s seductively provoking, mostly black and white photographs are widely published in art books across the world. He is well known for his work. Jiri teaches highly sought-after one-to-one photography workshops. People from all around the globe have traveled to learn from him."

"Ruzek’s photography is indelibly Czech to me- romantic, dark, rich, it’s ugly and beautiful simultaneously, and has that undeniable Czech sense of humor– plus it’s insanely hot. Many of the shots are taken in the streets of Prague, where his models occupy parts of the cityscape– lending to the mystery and romance of the city and the naked flesh. The effort taken to achieve an image, the time, the care to capture the split second moment of sexuality is obvious in Ruzek’s photography. His work is playful, haunting and full of surface sexuality– he has mastered the difference between graphic sex and graphic sexuality."  

"... may be considered one of the "post Helmut Newton" generation. His photographic production leverages the simplicity and modesty for rich images. The common denominator in his contrasting black and white pictures, is the solitude and seclusion of portrayed women. He has chosen a situation of isolation and feminine confinement, beautiful naked women who seem bewildered, as if waiting for something that will cause them pain. Or maybe it's something that's already happened, something painful, and that left them so lonely, desolate and sore. They do not have a mask of indifference or disgust, but an internal condition that neutralizes or denies the vitality of their naked bodies. It is not known whether they have chosen to be alone or abandoned. In any case they are not seen happy, or serene. They are single women, waiting with some anxiety. His way of use light and shadow emphasizes this dramatic atmosphere." , Argentinian journalist and photographer

"Jiri Ruzek is one of the most talented nude art photographers in Europe." , American filmmaker & photographer

Jan Saudek & Jiri Ruzek in discussion, Digiforum 2010 "I feel slightly aroused. Go ahead, young man!", Czech photographer (at Digiforum 2010)

"I think, it will not be mistake to characterize style of Irgy's works like refined mix, consisted of equal parts of fashion, erotic and fetish. I can see a lot of grace and seduction in his b&w stylish photo shots, which are goes back to the best erotic photo art traditions, a noticeable part of glam & fashion, which transmitted thru the lighting schemes, and of course - fetish. It permeate dark and moody atmosphere of Irgy's photo works. More of this, some of his shots noticeably reminded me style of the works of Helmut Newton."  

"Jiri Ruzek: a Czech nude photographer working out of Prague with a smokin’ hot portfolio. This is not safe for work. At all. Unless you work in a magical, heavenly place where 3D boobs are encouraged, or perhaps even created. That being said, even if you don’t have the goofy red and blue glasses on hand, these black and white portraits pop anyways. It’s a goldmine of passionate black and whites and gorgeous European women and locations."  

"If you know his work, those high contrast and unkempt-like photographs become familiar to you and you figure out his style is clear and distinguishable."  

"The work of artist Ruzek is a mixture of those 'typical' glamor style nudes and something I would label 'experimental erotic photography'. Jiri Ruzek really starts to shine in his other work, it shows a playful and talented photographer. Capable of merging different layers, ideas, fantasies and feelings in to one single image. Some of them are lighthearted pictures, showing a colorful erotic world. Others are almost frightening fantasies, like in the masked woman series. The work of Ruzek seem to redefine the genre these days. The mixture of erotica and art is more than just an erotic experience, it triggers your own imagination in more then one way."  

"O fotógrafo Jiří Růžek, um dos mais reputados da Europa no âmbito do nu artístico."  

"Dost zralý na to, aby věděl, jak je to s filmovým fotoaparátem, a dost mladý na to, aby jeho tvorba byla svěží."  

"Ruzek es un especialista en el blanco y negro, captando con su cámara todo el erotismo que puede reflejar la ausencia de color. A su vez, imparte clases de fotografía transmitiendo sus propias experiencias en su estudio de Praga."

"Jiri Ruzek convierte sus fotografías en pequeñas historias, o micro historias como él las denomina, con una sutil y delicada sensualidad cargada de erotismo. Cada fotografía es distinta a la anterior y cada una de ellas tiene su propio contenido."

"Ses modèles affectent des pauses exhaustives qui s’inscrivent très malicieusement dans le mode contemporain et moderne. L’originalité de sa démarche n’est pas de montrer ou démontrer la juste mesure de l’érotisme ou de la sensualité pour ce qu’elle est simplement, mais de la dépasser dans une personnalité voir un charisme propre à chacune de ses figures qu’ils perlent d’ombre et de lumière. Les corps féminins sont volontiers et volontairement écorchés vif ou enragés, qui démontre dans une certaine mesure, non pas la soumission de la femme dans une pause affectée, mais sa libération et son expression explosive.
°Une démarche certes souvent esthétisante mais qui rappelle dans le fond, un certain lyrisme chorégraphique tant les figures sont en perpétuel mouvement lorsqu’elles ne sont pas mise-en-scène. Certains clichés sont à la limite du contorsionnisme et de l’extrême. Entre le grain de peau et l’huile, entre le frisson et le fluide, femmes virgulaires et souples, jamais hésitantes. Ces photographies gisent telles des éclairs ; elles frappent notre champs de vision d’un vrai tour de force!"
, French painter and poet

"Известнейшими представителями живописи, которые писали свои полотна в этом стиле, были Тициан, Рубенс, Пикассо. С появлением фото стиль «ню» выступил и в этом жанре искусства. Знаменитые фотографы-ню: Роберт Мэплторп, культовый чешский фотограф Ян Саудек, Билл Доббинс, Иржи Ружек."  

"Мастеров оригинальной художественной фотографии обнаженного тела, на самом деле, не так уж и много, поэтому работы лучших из них становятся известны всему миру. Такие как Хельмут Ньютон, Э. Бояр, Герхард Рибике, Вацлав Вантуш, Сильви Блам, Дэвид Ла Шапель, Роберт Мэплторп, Билл Доббинс, Иржи Ружек..."  

"עבודות של הצלם הצ'כי JIRI RUZEK. מאוד מזכיר לי את הלמוט ניוטון.צילומי ערום וארוטיקה.ראו הוזהרתם..."  

"Abusando de glamour e da falta de cores, os nus de Jirí Ružek, são imagens quem traduzem erotismo, boudoir, fetiches e capturas de momentos íntimos entre as mulheres e a câmera e embora sua arte passeie por estes diferentes estilos, os cliques deste fotógrafo são marcados por imagens em preto e branco que sempre tendem a sugerir micro-histórias."  

"Довел до ручки - Чешский фотограф Иржи Ружек снимает женщин на грани нервного срыва."  

Jiri Ruzek
Author: Jiri RuzekWebsite: http://www.jiriruzek.net
Czech uglamour nude art photographer, 2014-2021 an official Fujifilm X-Photographer. Published worldwide, one of the few Czech photographers published by Taschen (and others).
Born Aug 29 1967 in Litomerice, living in Prague.
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Malostranský ateliér
Skupinový workshop fotografování uměleckého aktu s Jiřím Růžkem v Praze.

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